Wednesday, April 2, 2008

More pictures of Mantha

We got Mantha's 18 month pictures done....finally!! We were actually in the studio when she fell and got her goose egg, and they made us fill out an accident report so we wouldn't sue (can you believe that?) and it took forever! It was a long day. But, I am very glad that the pictures are done and we documented this stage of her life. She is growing up so fast that if I skip an age, I know I will be sorry later. Not that I don't take enough pictures of her on my own, but I like having a nice studio one to hang.
Ben's little sister Karilynne (the one on a mission in Sweden) said that Mantha has more pictures than she does of her whole life. And she said that when Samantha was a baby (even before her Primary Children's stay where we took another million) . So, apparently pictures are pretty important to us.
That is probably why most of my posts are pictures........ and a sentence, I like 'em, hope you do too! :)


Mindy and Marty said...

SO"OO dang cute...she looks old fashioned with her curly hair!! love it!

Mindy and Marty said...

p.s. i LOVE that pic of mantha in the water/ need to blow that up....!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kimby it's Michelle from Inkley's. I found some dorky pictures of us the other day and decided to do a Google search on you. Mantha is such a doll. I have a 3 month old son :) I would love to catch up with you! My number is 628-9488.