Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Work or Play?

I just had to post these of my Dad!
He goes out every snow storm and plows the driveway (which if you have seen it-well it's long), then he plows many of the neighbors' driveways and the circle. It takes him several hours to plow. One time he even drove his 4-wheeler down to Elisa's house (about a mile away) on main street and did her driveway for her. He is always doing things like that.....love ya Daddy.

1 comment:

Mindy and Marty said...

oh, the anderton brothers...so alike!!! i am still breathless from the pic's of that quilt...props to you guys!! wow.....what talent and determination you all have ...i'm sure it was no small feet... again......WOW who's the lucky girl again that recieved it?