Thursday, December 6, 2007

Big Girl Bed

Mantha has been throwing a fit every time we put her in her crib lately and I have been having a hard time with her sleeping in general. She still gets up to eat at least once a night anyway (her short-gut requires her to eat more often than a normal kid). But, I was a little hesitant about switching her to a toddler bed because I had heard so many horror stories about kids climbing out of it all night long. But, we decided to try it! We found a toddler bed (for $20 on craigslist!) and set it up this week and she is doing GREAT. She was so cute, right we when got it up she put her little stuffed animals on her bed (thats what her cousins do, I couldn't believe she remembered that). So far, so good....fingers crossed.

1 comment:

Doug and Shayla said...

She looks SO cute! I'm happy that she is sleeping better. I'm excited to see you Kimber! :)