Tuesday, May 26, 2009


We took a quick trip up the canyon for dinner and smores over the weekend. Mantha played so well with the cousins and it was beautiful up there. Can't wait for more camping trips this year!


I caught Samantha reading one of Ben's comic books the other day-she LOVES them almost as much as he does. She says stuff like "ahh scary part Mom", and "dee end, great story, nother one". She can pick out Batman, Spiderman, Superman, and Superwoman. Batman is her favorite. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Potty Training?

Don't let this fool you, she is in no way closer to potty training than she was 6 months ago. Everyone keeps telling me to 'wait until she's ready,' well..........she may never be ready. She does like to sit on 'Dora potty' before she gets in the tub though. :)

Any tips to help get her potty trained before she's 3? We have a month left and I'm getting sick of 2 kids in diapers!
P.S. Sorry the last 2 posts have shown lots of skin, I promise she usually has all her clothes on.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Classic Big Sister

Twinkle Star

Mantha has been starting to sing songs-usually she just listens and stays quiet, we didn't think she knew any words, then all of a sudden she knows all the words to tons of songs! It is so cute and fun!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Few pics from lately...

Asher is growing so fast and I feel so guilty that I haven't taken very many pictures of him and NONE in the studio yet. By this time in Mantha's life we had several albums filled and lots in the studio...seriously. He is sleeping pretty good (only wakes up once in the middle of the night and then early in the morning.) We are still trying to figure him out though. He cries most of the time that he's awake. He used to have REALLY bad, loud, explosive, painful gas before every feeding. Working with his Dr and a lactation consultant we have him on a few meds and me completely off dairy products and as of a few days ago the toots have slowed way down. (From like 30/feeding to like 5/feeding!) But, he is continuing to cry, spit, and vomit in between feedings which they now think is reflux, so we are starting him on prescription previcid (he has been on Maalox for a week or so and that isn't working). This may take a couple of weeks to work, but we are excited to see if it does. All I want right now is a happy baby.

So, life with 2 kids is pretty hectic for me. I am adjusting, but realizing life will never be the same. Kinda like the feeling I got when we had Mantha...only worse. I am now wondering why I ever thought one kid was hard. :) Those of you who have 3 or more kids are probably thinking that I'm crazy.