Thursday, March 27, 2008

Goose Egg Club

I was just talking about how most kids Mantha's age fall and get hurt all the time, and thinking to myself 'their parents must not watch their kids very well'. Well, today Mantha tripped pretty bad and joined the 'goose egg' club. So sad. Am I a bad parent?


Amy D. said...

You should seriously see Ethan's head. I'm really contemplating getting him a helmet. Within the past week he has fallen off a chair, fallen down 3 cement steps and ran into 3 or 4 sharp corners on if you are a bad mom, I'm the WORST EVER!!! It just happens, don't feel bad.

Doug and Shayla said...

Ouch! It's the age. Colby constantly has some sort of bump or bruise on his head. I can't wait for him to outgrow this stage.

Mindy and Marty said...

?YES!! no other kids ever have goose- eggs? (why aren't they bumps?) anyway...whatever you want to call 'em .. goose eggs are non-exsistent on all other kids.... ya right! that does look like it hurts though...but if that is her first one....way to go..! thats amazing

lins.e said...

hi kim, its lins campbell here. I just want you to know that dax has a goose egg almost everyday. Today he's hit his head 3 times. Reading this i'm starting to wonder if i'm a bad mom.. yikes.