Monday, March 31, 2008

Some light reading

On our last trip to the Provo DI Samantha figured out how to take the price tags off the books (she loves stickers) and put them on her face. We left quickly when I noticed her face covered in .50 cent stickers. :)

Samantha loves to 'read' the books with her face shoved into the middle but, only after carefully selecting the one with the most intriguing cover.

She threw a big fit as I was trying to take her out of the store-she is getting really good at these lately. Her fits usually go something like this: first she slowly lowers herself to the ground (as to not hurt herself) and then she kicks her legs and waves her arms and of course cries really loud. Then if it is really bad, she rolls on to her stomach (again, slowly) and kicks her legs and hits the ground with her fists, continuing with the crying. **I keep telling her this is not allowed until AFTER her second birthday which isn't for another 3 months!

1 comment:

Ben Corey said...

Apparently your husband needs a better paying job. Your daughter only has one outfit in 3 consecutive posts. What a lazy bum!