Monday, July 7, 2008

4th of July

We spent the 4th in Farmington with friends and family this year. Thursday night was a 'Girls Night Out' with my sisters that included going out to dinner, a very intense game of Bunko, and pictionary.

The next morning we headed up to the Kaysville parade. This was Samantha's first parade, so we were excited to show her, but she was more interested in this red wagon (which wasn't even ours) than the awesome floats and people going by.

Elisa came with her family, she is due in October with baby boy! Porter was a champ at collecting all the candy.....we gotta work on Samantha's enthusiasm and technique for next year.

Shayla came with us and Doug was in the parade for 'search and rescue', it was fun to see him.

We stopped by the Yorks house after the parade and visited with their family for a while.
Mantha finally got a popsicle after a long, hot day. What a good sport.


Turner said...

Looks like fun! Next time your up let's do lunch or a visit and such. (Maybe with Shay).
Love ya,
Trish the Dish

Sarah said...

Hey Kimby! I haven't seen you in forever! How the heck are you? I noticed you left a comment on the recipes exchange blog (after Lindsey's post). I'd love for you to join, so if you send me your email address, I can add you as an author on the blog (I'm assuming you have a gmail address since you have a gmail affiliated blog). Mine is - send me yours and I'll add you to the blog. Yea!

Doug and Shayla said...

That was so fun to see you. Let's play again soon.